First LED Display Showroom
Opens in Houston, Texas.
Dec. 13, 2013 - Houston, TX - Contact: Judy Dennis 713-493-0558 ![]() | || |
Houston, TX - LED OEM Partners, LLC, manufacturer of
commercial outdoor LED Displays, recognized a problem within the LED Sign sales
process. Almost 90% of LED sign
sales in the US have been purchased by the end user without seeing, touching
and examining the product! Consumers rely on the internet to connect them to products and services
daily and by doing so rely on photos, and videos to make buying
decisions on everything from shoes to LED signs. The sales of these displays has more
than doubled in recent years. Eye
catching full color LED displays have been proven to increase business by
delivering products and services information to passing traffic. The Small Business Administration's
report boasts of a MINIMUM of a 15% lift in business when LED signs are
part of a business advertising plan. Displays advertise everything from Pizza Shops to Emergency Messages aimed at highway traveler's. LED signs deliver results in a niche
that no other medium can fill.
So, what is the problem
you ask? Well, in the past business owners were forced to rely on internet photographs and videos to
make decisions on what to buy when it came to LED Outdoor displays, and these
units aren't cheap. They can run between $5,000.00 for a smaller display to
over $100,000.00 for large Full Color displays. Times have changed! For the first time, an indoor and outdoor LED Showroom has been created
to fill this void. LED OEM
Partners LLC, heard the call and
delivered! Consumers can now look
at, evaluate and talk to a company with over 25 years of combined experience in
the Digital display Industry. With
upwards of 1 million dollars of in stock, ready to ship inventory, and a
showroom that hosts Indoor displays down to 5 mm to large format outdoor
displays in pitches of 25mm, 20mm, 16mm and 12mm. This company has what it takes, to not only educate the
consumer, but to facilitate the reduction of time from the traditional 6-8
delivery turn time to 1-5 days on in stock inventory. The showroom is located
at 10963 Cutten Rd. C-102 just off of Beltway 8 & 249
It's worth the trip. The showroom is open Monday - Friday from 8:00-6:00.
It's worth the trip. The showroom is open Monday - Friday from 8:00-6:00.