In the changing world of advertising, do you ever wonder what is the best use of your advertising dollars? I sure did at one point. As a small business owner at one point I was overwhelmed! Television is expensive and delivers your message to thousands of folks outside your market area. Newspapers are on the decline with printing presses stopping all over the country as online news, social media, and a host of other services take over and bombards the consumer with messages that may not hit their intended target. Radio.... yes, I said Radio, continues to drone on with only a fraction of the listeners of yester year.
So what should a business owner do? Continue to dump money into the old tried and NOT so true mediums? What are our options? What really works in today's marketing madness? If you listen to the "experts" they shift their seats, and say "Well, a mix of several mediums is most likely the best bet! Even the experts don't really have a handle on "what works"! The big thing these days is all sorts of ideas for on-site marketing. How to bring folks through the door. QR codes with special promotions. Fun interactive displays, video monitors attached to kiosks, product sampling, college functions promoting your brand, and LED Signs. WHAT? Yes you heard me LED Signs! Expensive is a relative term when you look at profit vs. cost. What would you think about owning your own advertising agency? Sounds good buy expensive right? What would you pay to have someone on the street advertising your business 24 hours 7 days a week? $100.00? 1,000.00? How about less than .08 cents per hour? Less than $20.00 a day? Think about it. Take your average profit from one sale and then multiply it by the number of new customers that LED Signs brought in the door. Do the math. Over a month you would have 60 new customers spending ???
LED Signs are the newer kid on the block. The market has not become saturated with them and let's face it, every time you pass one on the street you're looking at it! From Las Vegas to Springfield, Mo. to New York City LED displays deliver messages at a lower cost than any traditional marketing tools like Television, Newspaper, Radio and Direct Mail.
Where do you start looking into the world of LED Displays? What should I do? I never went to College to understand marketing medium! Do your research. I don't mean talking to rookie sales Reps. who don't have a clue what makes a good display! Find a person with the knowledge, time in the industry and the desire to help you through the maze of Manufacturers', importers and resellers out there. There is no magic bullet, but connecting with the right company and Representative could save you thousands of dollars over the life of the machine. Remember, LED signs are just that....a machine!
Ideally, the goal is to find a teacher. Someone that will take the time to teach you the good, bad and the ugly when it comes to LED Signs. LED Resource in Houston, Texas is just that! YOUR RESOURCE for all things when it comes to education, manufacturing, and content creation for your LED Sign marketing program. The staff has almost 30 years of business knowledge on LED Signs and are available daily, to answer your questions. LED Resource employs ONLY Sales Representatives who have proven their proficiency in the industry and will take the time to "teach" the finer points of this type of marketing medium. LED Signs are not inexpensive, but one thing is for sure.....with the right knowledge, guidance and expertise you can EXPECT the highest lift in business over any other medium. With the right Company your new LED Sign will yield a Bang not a Blast!
Call today and expect the best from YOUR resource in the LED Display industry!
Judy Dennis, Direct: 832-900-9493
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