46% of Customers Say Signage Brought Them In!
Many business owners THINK word of mouth is the best advertising. In surveys of new customers of Businesses using LED signage, 46% reported they came in because of the Companies Signage! This might just be a good reason to rethink your advertising plan!
Most business owners are used to the tried and true, marketing strategy of yesteryear. Newspaper, direct mail and a little radio or television mixed in, will by many standards be a success with a 3%-5% return on the investment. What about a 20%-30% return? Sound like a dream? IT'S NOT!
The Small Business Administration says this about LED displays:
" With an LED sign, the average cost to achieve 1000 impressions (CPT) on consumers as they pass your business is less than 10% of the cost to reach them using any other marketing medium, including TV, radio or newspaper".
Let's look at some of the benefits of LED Displays: Unlimited number of message changes. Flexibility to advertise specials or aging inventory. Delivering information of interest such as Community support, time and temperature, Weather conditions, Amber alerts and so much more. Quickly brand your business within your community. Elimination of employee physical hazards associated with changes to a traditional reader board and a ladder. LED message centers never take a break, or go on vacation. They consistently attract new customers 24/7/365 days a year!
So, what is it that makes Business owners not jump at the opportunity to OWN their own marketing tool? The perception is that they are too expensive so let's think about this for just a minute. If a banker said to you, hey Joe, I have this opportunity to make you a ton of money! Joe listens to the banker as he outlines the plan.....Joe, invest 10,000. dollars with me and I will guarantee you a 20,000 in return in less than 24 months? There isn't anyone who would not want to double their return on the investment! Of, course there are no guarantees in this world, but the fact is that LED displays can and do deliver new business daily. So, how can I afford a display?
One of the best ways to own an LED display is to let it pay for itself! Yes, I said pay for itself! Capital Equipment financing is one way to own a display and let the sign do all the work!
For example, The Small Business Administration states "A small business that makes $1,000.00 a day in gross income adds an Outdoor LED sign. The business quickly increases by the minimum 15%, adding another $150 per day in total revenue. That turns into an additional $1,050.00 a week in revenue, or $54,600.00 per year".
Most folks, taking this thought to heart, realize very quickly that the sign can REALLY pay for itself! So, the next thought usually is, how do I get my new LED sign without a ton of cash going out the door? Capital Equipment Financing!
Not only is Capital Equipment financing easy, but it helps to maintain your liquid operating capital. There is very little money down with leasing, typically the first & second month's payment are due at signing. In addition the IRS does not consider an operating lease to be a purchase, but rather a tax deductible overhead expense. Therefore, you can deduct the lease payments from your business income. Because an operating lease is not considered a long term debt or liability, it does not appear as a debt on your balance sheet, thus making you more attractive to traditional lenders when you need them! According to industry research, eight out of ten companies lease some or all of their equipment! Why? Because the flexibility provided by leasing allows them to have the most effective operation possible. Companies that lease tend to be the most entrepreneurial and competitive!
Interested in more information? Call Judy Dennis LED Resource 832-900-9434 judy@ledresource.us
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